Active voice and Passive voice ( 2 ) – English grammar notes

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Active voice and Passive voice ( 2 ) – English grammar notes

नियम 1

Simple Present Tense में Passive Voice बनाते समय is, am, are के बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active : we worship various gods in India.

Passive: Various gods are worshipped in India.

2. Active : We do not hold our people together by coercion.

Passive: People are not held together by coercion.

3. Active :  People eat wheat in most parts of our country.

Passive: Wheat is eaten in most parts of our country.

नियम 2

Simple Past Tense में was या were के बाद Main verb का third form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They built bridges over the Rajasthan canal.

Passive: Bridges were built over the Rajasthan Canal.

नियम 3

Simple Future Tenseमें will be या shall be के बाद Main Verb का Third Form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They will build bridges over the Rajasthan canal.

Passive: Bridges will be built over the Rajasthan Canal.

नियम 4

Present Continuous Tense में is, are, am के बाद being + Main Verb का Third Form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They are building bridges over the Rajasthan Canal.

Passive: Bridges are being built over the Rajasthan Canal.

नियम 5

Past Continuous Tense में was या were के बाद being + main Verb का Third Form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They were building bridges over the Rajasthan canal.

Passive: Bridges were being built over the Rajasthan canal.

नियम 6

Present Perfect Tenseमें has been या have been के बाद main verb का Third Form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They have built bridges over the Rajasthan canal.

Passive: Bridges had been built over the Rajasthan canal.

नियम 7

Past Perfect Tense में had been लगाकर main verb का Third form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They had built bridges over the Rajasthan canal.

Passive: Bridges had been built over the Rajasthan canal.

नियम 8

Future Perfect Tenseमें will have been या shall have been के बाद main verb का Third form रखते है। जैसे-

1. Active :  They will have completed this work by January 2007.

Passive: This work will have been completed by January 2007.

Note:-निम्नलिखित Tenses के वाक्यों का Passive Voice में परिवर्तन नहीं होता है-

1.  Future Continuous

2. Present Perfect Continuous

3. Past Perfect Continuous

4. Future Perfect Continuous

Verbs Having Double Object

-कुछ क्रियाओं (Verbs) के दो Object होते है-

(i) Direct या निर्जीव Object 

(ii) Indirect या सजीव Object.

Passive Voice में इनमें से किसी एक को Subject बनाया जा सकता है, परन्तु सुविधा की दृष्टि से अधिकतर Indirect Object को Subject बनाया जाता है। जैसे-

Active :  Somebody gave me a pen.

Passive: (i) I was given a pen.

(ii) A pen was given to me.

Active :  Everybody offered him bouquets.

Passive: (i) He was offered bouquets.

  (ii) Bouquets were offered to him.

Note:- जब Active Voice में object इस प्रकार हो कि बाद वाला Object पहले वाले Object का Complement हो, तो पहले वाले Object को Passive Voice में Subject बना देते है। जैसे-

Active : We made him captain.

Passive: He was made captain by us.

Active :  The boys called him hero.

Passive: He was called hero by the boys.

Active :  The garment business has made him rich.

Passive: He has been made rich through the garment business.

Active :  It’s high time we asked him to leave the room.

Passive: It’s high time he was asked to leave the room.

नियम. 9

कुछ Intransitive Verbs (अकर्मक क्रियाएं) किसी Preposition के साथ मिलकर Transitive Verbs (सकर्मक क्रियाएँ) का कार्य करती है। ऐसी स्थिति में Passive Voice में Preposition अपने Verb के साथ रहती है। जैसे-

Active :  Ram laughed at me.

Passive: I was laughed at by Ram.

Active :  My sister looks after your brother.

Passive: Your brother is looked after by my sister.

Passive Infinitives

नियम 10

Active Voice के कुछ sentences में can/may/could/ might/ should/ would/ must आदि के बाद Infinitive Verb का प्रयोग होता है। ऐसे sentences को passive voice में बदलते समय can/may/could/ might/ should/ would आदि के बाद be रखा जाता है, तत्पश्चात् verb का Past Participle रूप लिखा जाता है। जैसे-

Active : Sarita will write a letter.

Passive: A letter will be written by Sarita.

Active :  Your team can win the match.

Passive: The Match can be won by your team.

Active :  Our friends may help us.

Passive: We may be helped by our friends.

Active :  Students must respect their teachers.

Passive: Teachers must be respected by their students.

Active :  Ram ought to help his sister.

Passive: Ram’s sister ought to be helped by him (Ram).

नियम 11

Active Voice के जिन वाक्यों में Modal Auxiliary के बाद have + past participle दिया हुआ होता है, उनको Passive Voice में बदलते समय have के बाद been का प्रयोग किया जाता है। जैसे-

Active :  Ratnesh will have cancelled this trip.

Passive: This trip will have been cancelled by Ratnesh.

Active :  Mr Sharma could send a reply.

Passive: A reply could have been sent by Mr. Sharma.

Active :  Ram might have written the book .

Passive: The book might have been written by Ram.

Active :  Ram might have written the book.

Passive: Advance tax must have been paid by these businessmen.

Active :  Anu ought to have consulted a doctor.

Passive: A doctor ought to have been consulted by Anu.

नियम 12

कुछ  वाक्यों में Active Voice में is, am, are, was, were, has, have, had, shall, have, will have के पश्चात to + First Form of Verb का प्रयोग होता है। Passive Voice में इन क्रियाओं के पश्चात् to + be+ Third Form of Verb का प्रयोग करते है।


Object + is/am/are/was/were + to be + V3 + by (subject) (V3 = Verb का third form)

Active : The guide is to help him.

Passive: He is to be helped by the guide.

Active:  The teacher was to instruct him.

Passive: He was to be instructed by the teacher.

Active :  They are to assist the doctor.

Passive: The doctor is to be assisted (by them).

Active:  I have to finish this work in an hour.

Passive: This work has to be finished in an hour.

Active: Somebody has to feed her.

Passive: She has to be fed.

Active:  Mr Sharma had to lead her.

Passive: She has to be led by Mr. Sharma.

Active:  I have to make some arrangements.

Passive: Some arrangements have to be made (be me.)

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हम आपके लिए Active voice and Passive voice ( 2 ) – English grammar notes ऐसे ही टॉपिक वाइज प्रश्न एवं उत्तर उपलब्ध करवाते हैं ताकि किसी अध्याय को पढ़ने के साथ-साथ  आप हम से बनने वाले प्रश्नों के साथ प्रैक्टिस कर सके अगर आपको यह पोस्ट अच्छी लगी हो तो इसे शेयर जरूर करें

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